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What is Little League Age?

A player’s “Little League Age” is the age the player will be on August 31, 2021. Whenever CVLL refers to a player’s age, it means “Little League Age”. CVLL Divisions are:


Challenger Division - The Challenger Division is a unique program for mentally and/or physically challenged youth aged 5-18 which allows the enjoyment of Little League participation in an athletic environment structured to their abilities. More than the baseball skills learned the value of the division is found in the proven therapeutic and socialization benefits of participating in sports, the strengthening of the participants' self-esteem, the opportunities to mainstream into other divisions of play, and the disciplines of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play.

Peanut Division (Ages 4 - 5 some 6-year-olds) – Little League rules require that all 4-6-year-olds play in the Peanut Division, which does not allow player pitching.Coach pitch is allowed.  Coach must throw overhand from a knee approximately 15 feet in front of home plate. Pitching machine can be introduced in practice, but will not be used in a game.The Peanut Division is strictly instructional and non-competitive, providing a fun environment that introduces players to the fundamentals of the game. Players are assigned to teams by the CVLL Player Agent.

Minor International Division (Little League Ages: 6yrs, 7yrs and some 8yr olds) –  Most 7-year-old players and some 8-year-olds will be assigned to this division, along with select 6yr olds proving to possess the ability to play-up. This division, while highly developmental, begins to introduce competitive baseball to each player, using a combination of kid-pitch and machine pitching, thus providing players an introduction to actual pitching, while still allowing for a high volume of offensive and defensive repetitions, in which to grow their individual and collective skill-sets. Players are assigned to teams by the CVLL Player Agent, after completing a simple evaluation to assess each player’s current ability.  Any 6-year-olds having at least 1 year of tee ball experience, may petition to play-up to this division and shall take part in player evaluations, along with all other players in this division. Players registering as Peanut-who successfully petition to play up will be required to pay the difference in the Fair Share Donation between the two divisions.

Minor National Division (Ages 8 - 9 some 7-year-olds) – This is a developmental division which introduces players to more advanced techniques involving baserunning, fielding, and pitching. Players are drafted onto teams after participating in player evaluations. Any 7-year-old wishing to be drafted into this division must petition to play up and attend evaluations. This is a player’s first exposure to a competitive division.

Minor American Division (Ages 9 – 10 some 11-year-olds) – This division includes players aged 10 to 12 not drafted into the Majors, and enough 9-year-olds to fill out the league. This division provides these players an opportunity to expand their skills by incorporating more advanced parts of the game such as base stealing and bunting. Players are drafted onto teams after participating in evaluations. Players aged 12 are not allowed to pitch. Players in this division may be drafted up to the Major Division during the regular season to fill a vacancy

Major Division (Ages 11 – 12)

Junior Division (Ages 13– 14)

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